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(Webinar Recording) Building Consensus: Your Communication Superpower

(Webinar Recording) Building Consensus: Your Communication Superpower

The ability to drive results, implement change, and lead your team is based on your ability to change minds… and ultimately change behavior. In this session, we will discuss your ability to drive those results and implement that change through communication skills, by unlocking the underrated superpower of consensus. Balancing diverse opinions, overcoming objections, and rallying support is not easy. This training will equip you with tactical skills to achieve this through an introduction to The Latimer Model for Persuasive Communication Skills. Whether you need a budget approved, support and time from program sponsors, or increased motivation from your participants or teams, we will give you the mindset and tools to achieve your goals. The Latimer Group teaches this same Model within LDPs across the world. The communication values covered in this workshop for program managers can help launch communication excellence within any corporate culture through our range of LDP-oriented workshops.

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The 2024 Reports are here!
Early Talent Program Data

Rention rates, NPS scores, Diversity metrics

Curiculum elements, Program structure & more!

From 165 early talent development programs

Across 97 organizations and 10 functional areas


The Early Talent Development Conference of the Year

Minneapolis, MN

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